Sunday, August 2, 2009

Today's Flowers - August 2

I'm honored to have been asked to be the Guest Friend on Today's Flowers today. For the past several weeks, I have used flowers from my own garden as the subjects for my Today's Flowers posts. Most of my established flowers are day lilies which have finished their blooming season, so I looked elsewhere for photos for today. I'm in the process of adding a front garden, and I have been visiting greenhouses and nurseries in search of plants that are not day lilies. As my contribution today, I bring you photos of plants I have either purchased, or seriously considered, for my own new garden. Unfortunately, I can't have them all! Yet!

Zinnia - variegated yellow/red

White Cone Flower - purchased for the front garden

White Bougainvilla - unfortunately, this is not a hardy plant for our growing zone, and I had to leave this one at the greenhouse, but I think it is beautiful.

Zinnia - Rose

Peegee Hydrangea
This one is definitely finding a place in my yard, but not in the front garden.

Not for this year's garden, but next year.. yes! Such a cheery color.

African Iris -
I have to research the hardiness of this one, but I do like it.

Zinnia - variegated white/deep pink, purchased for my front garden

Portulaca (Moss Rose) -purchased for the new front garden

Lantana - pink and yellow.
This one currently is in Gardening Daughter's garden,
but she is bringing me one of her extra plants for my front garden.

Gazania - purchased for my front garden.
This really is a small flower on a very short plant. It's wonderful what one can do with a macro lens.
I love the colors in this specimen.

I hope you've enjoyed your tour. Thanks for looking.

Today's Flowers is a weekly Meme created by Luiz Santilli, Jr. and currently hosted by Luiz Santilli, Jr., Denise Gullickson, Laerte Pupo and Valkyrien, and may be found here. Please visit to see others' lovely flower photos. If you have a flower photo of your own to share, please join us.


Anonymous said...

All very lovely and pleasing to the eyes :) I'm sure they all smell great as well!

Rosamaria said...

Wow! Wonderful post, Pat! I'm sure your front garden will be gorgeous and then you can show to us.
Congratulations on been the guest friend today!
Have a nice week!

Marju said...

Really beautiful photos!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures..

As our "guest friend of Today's Flowers" you are dazzling us with your lovely flowers.
Thank you for sharing!!

Historical sites with charmine said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful flowers,i love all of them...can't choose,love them ALL.

Historical sites with charmine said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful flowers,i love all of them...can't choose,love them ALL.

Hilary said...

These are just gorgeous. I love those last ones the best. Such an interesting bloom. Beautiful.

Ebie said...

Beautiful flowers especially the variegated ones. Each and every flower has its own beauty and thanks for the names, too. I do not have a garden and probably do not have a green thumb, so I am just show casing my photos either from the Botanical gardens or Armstrong! Have a great day, Pat. I have enjoyed the tour.

SandyCarlson said...

Oh, wow. These macros are just gorgeous. I love the images on the Today's Flowers homepage.

Leora said...

All so lovely - I especially like your zinnia photos. Portulaca is one of my favorite flowers; I finally found one in bloom yesterday.

Tammie Lee said...

Your photos here and on the main Today's Flower site are wonderful. Such a grand eyeful of candy!


Mia N said...

So many lovely flowers you have.Lucky You!

Snap said...

I loved walking through the nurseries with you. What great selections. Congratulations on being asked to guest host. I didn't post today. Zinnias are about all that are blooming. My gardenias have started blooming again. They like something about the heat or have just really enjoyed what little rain we've received lately!

Well done, Pat!

Reader Wil said...

Pat you have a beautiful garden and you are a terrific photographer! I am very much imoressed!

DeniseinVA said...

Pat you must have a fabulous garden. I loved your flowers here, and also the ones on our home page. All fantastic photos that bring a big smile. Thank you so very much for sharing them.

Rune Eide said...

Hats off and a deep bow for these - very hard to match!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Your close ups are quite stunning. I love all the sharp details.

Misty DawnS said...

These are absolutely beautiful images! I really, really want to have some Lantana, but I'm afraid it probably wouldn't survive here :-(

April said...

I love visiting the local greenhouses. The White Bougainvilla is such an elegant looking flower. The Pee Wee Hydrangea would look very nice in your garden. Beautiful guest post as well!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Pat: Congrats on being featured on the main site. You certainly put on a beautiful show today.

i beati said...

The depth in those zinnias is overwhelming

Kathy W said...

Oh those are all very pretty. I would love to have a flower bed with tons of different flowers like that in it. Great shots. =)

Unknown said...

What a feast of beautiful flowers! Thank you.

Carletta said...

All of your photos are gorgeous! I particularly like the margigold on this page - very vibrant color!
Your garden will be gorgeous. You've made a wonderful guest host.

My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.

Anonymous said... have captured the beauty of the flowers.....and I am in awe of each of them. You are so blessed to have that many flowers that will grow in your region.
They are splendid!

Prashansa said...

I love all the pictures! They are beautiful!! I Like Marigold the best!

SquirrelQueen said...

Pat, your flowers are beautiful and the photos awesome. I love the Peewee Hydrangea, it is just so delicate. I would love to have one of those in my garden as well.

Regina said...

Congratulations Pat.
Your flowers are awesome!

Anonymous said...

All your shots are wonderful and the colors are cheerful.

Euroangel said...

wonderful photos of flowers here...i love them all! congrats for being guest friend...

Jouko said...

So many lovely flowers :)

Peter said...

Those are exquisite flowers, really beautiful. That white Bougainvilla, is so simple, fragile, and haunting. I would love to find a way of doing something like that in clay. Love the summer brightness of Marigolds, and the mathmatical beauty of the Gazania. Splendid, thanks so much for posting those lovely photos!

storyteller at Small Reflections said...

What an absolutely DELIGHTFUL array of color blossoms here ... really lovely. In my experience, African Iris is VERY hardy and thrives on neglect here in Southern California ... blooming regularly in short bursts.
Hugs and blessings,

Bim said...

Your flower photos here and on the 'Today's flower' site are absolutely lovely.

Naturegirl said...

Pat: Your guest appearance show of flowers on the TF opening page is lovely and these that you post here are stunning! Pee gee hydrangeas..I love! I have two in my garden..I don't think I've ever seen or heard of Gazania..thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Beautiful flowers. Great photos too. Thank you for this site. I love gardens of all kinds.

Sara Chapman in Seattle, USA said...

Yes, I enjoyed the tour very much! What a great assortment of beautiful and very interesting flowers. That white bougainvilla might be good in a pot, you know. I have a tree kind up here in Seattle and just take it in. It resents the change, but each spring it comes back and does its thing.

And congratulations on being Guest Friend. A great collection there. said...

these are gorgeous. I love them all. Nice job!

Jama said...

All your flower shot are so lovely!
Bougainvilleas thrives in a hot climate like ours here, they bloom all year round.

Arija said...

Beautiful feature flowers, particularly the Clematis and Dutch Iris. The flowers you are considering for youe garden are lovely too, you must be living in a reasonably arid climate to make those choices.

Cris said...

Your collection of flowers is wonderful!

jabblog said...

Gorgeous blooms - impossible to choose a favourite as they are all superb. I'm sure you will have great fun designing your front garden.

nonizamboni said...

Nice array of flowers and great photos! We can dream, can't we? :O)

mimi said...

that's a lot of lovely flowers. i love them all. nice post for today.

Craver Vii said...

These flowers look great! Happy birthday to Today's Flowers.

Due to a demanding workload, I have not been able to visit lately. I miss this delightful group of people, and hope I can resume the visits some time.

Anonymous said...

Lovely work, Pat! I'm very impressed and want to come see your garden!

Jan Campbell

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have a beautiful collection, thought my favorite was the zinnias but as I scrolled down, I was left undecided. LOL. Lovely, all of them. And congrats for being the guest host this week. Thanks for the visit too.

NitWit1 said...

I love the Ganzania, White Cone Flower, and the Lantana.

Day4plus said...

Ah Pat you chose some beauties to share with us. Thanks!!
Gazania is one of my favorite flowers. MB

Snowbrush said...

My goodness, your pictures are lovely! I am not familiar with gazania, but it sure is pretty.

My Sanctuary said...

yes all of them are gorgeous, the photos are clear and nice shot, take care and thanks for the visit..

Stephany said...

A gorgeous series of photos, Pat! Your new garden will be beautiful.

Luiz Santilli Jr said...


Marvelous your post for TODAY'S FLOWERS!
Thanks for posting!


Zabeth B et Y B said...

Magnifiques fleurs, moi aussi j'aime photographier les fleurs avec ma maman!

Inday said...

I love the white bougainvilla. They are not a problem to grow and they need a nice climber. An Arch climber would be perfect for them because of their compact branches and close interknitted leaves. I have never seen a white variety before. The Zinnias are interesting in their variety of compositions too. Especially the one with multilayered coloures. Your macros are greatly captured! Thanks for the visit to my orchids. Yes, I was fortunate to be allowed to take them.

Anonymous said...

Such lovely photos. I absolutely love them all!