Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Christmas Meditation

No one can celebrate
a genuine Christmas
without being truly poor.
The self-sufficient, the proud,
those who, because they have
everything, look down on others,
those who have no need
even of God -- for them there 
will be no Christmas.
Only the poor, the hungry,
those who need someone
to come on their behalf,
will have that someone.
That someone is God.
Emmanuel. God-with-us.
Without poverty of spirit
there can be no abundance of God.

     -- Oscar Romero

To any and all those who might happen to come across this post, I wish you a blessed Christmas.


Jackie said...

Sending you warm wishes for a blessed Christmas.

Peter said...

Happy Christmas to you Pat,
Good to read the meditation and to quietly reflect on it. We watched a really good version of A Christmas Carol with my parents yesterday on Christmas Day. It was lovely seeing Scrooge transformed from his mean and miserable former self, to someone full of fun generosity.

Ha, ha... just had an amusing thing happen in the kitchen, Laura has made a new hot drink.... She was making a pot of tea, but has made coffee in the teapot by mistake. I think we will call it Toffee! Rather nice in fact. I think that the extra tannin from the tea, and the caffine from the coffee has restorative properties!

Best Wishes,
Peter, Laura, and Nigella Stopit xxx

Snap said...

Merry Christmas! I've been thinking about you. So nice to *see* you!

rhymeswithplague said...

How wonderful to see that you have returned to your blog!

We who celebrated a genuine Christmas -- we know who we are, don't we?