Saturday, April 2, 2011

More Spring Things

Carolina Jessamine - my garden

While I was outside yesterday looking at violets, I could not help but notice that the Carolina Jessamine on my fence was loaded with blooms.  It seems like only a week or so ago that I was taking photographs of the dried seed heads. Ah, Spring! 

The air was still, for a change, while I was out, and for the first time since I planted this vine (almost 20 years ago), I could definitely smell the fragrance of the blooms hanging in the air. Perhaps it was because there are so very many blooms on the plant this year.  The fragrance is light and lovely, unlike other jasmine varieties whose perfume I find overwhelming. 

Bees are attracted to the blossoms, too, as I captured below. 

Carolina Jessamine blossom with Bee

I followed one bee around to a dozen or more different flowers in the couple of minutes I was photographing the vine.
It was nice to see this burst of bright yellow. My forsythia, for the second time in as many years, has short-changed me in the blossom department. My huge plant, which is about 8 feet in diameter, had fewer than 100 blossoms on it.  I think I need to cut it waaay back and see if it makes any difference next year. Or, maybe it just needs some vitamins.
While I was at Gardening Daughter's home a few days ago, we were 'touring the property' looking at the new growth on her plants.  She pointed out to me that her Russian Sage was putting out blossoms and said, "The hummingbirds will be here within a week."  She says her sage is a sure indicator. 
She called me yesterday afternoon to let me know that the hummingbirds had arrived, just as she predicted. "Make some nectar and get it out, Mom. They're here." She can be uncanny, sometimes.
That's about it. 

Tomorrow is also a day.


Arkansas Patti said...

Oh my, time for hummers all ready. I'd better load up on sugar today.
I am one of those who loves the smell of Confederate Jasmine. Think I will plant some this year.

rhymeswithplague said...

We had Confederate jasmine when we lived in Boca Raton, Florida. I loved the smell. Arkansas Patti beat me to the punch.

Hummingbirds like punch.

NitWit1 said...

Love the tour. I have someone coming today to look at my flower beds I think. The sun is shining, which was a prerequisite.

Let Gardener Daughter look at the funny orange mold/fungus on a dead tree and tell me what it is, if she knows.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Hi Pat,

Welcome back, we sure did miss you! Glad that everything is going well. Your garden is so pretty, and I'm happy for you that spring has arrived for reals.

Have a great weekend,

Kathy M.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh Pat, your Jessamine is just gorgeous! And the hummers have arrived here too-- I love this time of year!